Responsible Mindful Travel
Because it's the right thing to do

Our commitment

We truly believe that responsible travel is the only way for the future of travel.
Together we can make this world a better place.

We love what we do and have a deep passion for travel in our destinations. We are so privileged to work and live in these countries with such diverse cultures and incredible nature. We believe that travel can have a positive impact on both the destination and the traveler, if done well.

Protect the environment
We are committed to the environment
Respect cultures & destinations
We are committed to respecting diverse cultures and heritage
We are committed to respecting the rights of animals
economies & communities
We are committed to supporting local communities.

Our Mission

It is our mission to provide our travelers with authentic and immerse experiences and educate them on treading lightly, understanding cultural differences and the respect that comes with it and to share the beauty of our natural surroundings, that cannot continue to exist without the support and understanding that we need to protect and preserve..

We Care About The Environment 

We actively look and promote the triple impact in everything we do. 


Reduce our environmental footprint


Support local and economies


Be socially & culturally responsible & protect vulnerable people & animals

We actively look and promote the triple impact in everything we do.

We take extra care to choose environment-friendly services and practices:

Our Transport
We are committed to measure carbon emissions on our trips with the aim to reduce. We give preference to public transportation, shuttle services and fuel-efficient vehicles

We promote excursions on foot and bike to explore our wonderful cities in a fun and safe way.

We are committed to measure carbon emissions on our trips with the aim to reduce. We give preference to public transportation, shuttle services and fuel-efficient vehicles

We promote excursions on foot and bike to explore our wonderful cities in a fun and safe way.

Our Guides
We are committed to measure carbon emissions on our trips with the aim to reduce. We give preference to public transportation, shuttle services and fuel-efficient vehicles

We promote excursions on foot and bike to explore our wonderful cities in a fun and safe way.

Our Excursions
We are committed to measure carbon emissions on our trips with the aim to reduce. We give preference to public transportation, shuttle services and fuel-efficient vehicles

We promote excursions on foot and bike to explore our wonderful cities in a fun and safe way.

Our Offices
We are committed to measure carbon emissions on our trips with the aim to reduce. We give preference to public transportation, shuttle services and fuel-efficient vehicles

We promote excursions on foot and bike to explore our wonderful cities in a fun and safe way.

We Believe In

We love what we do and have a deep passion for travel in our destinations. We are so privileged to work and live in these countries with such diverse cultures and incredible nature. We believe that travel can have a positive impact on both the destination and the traveler, if done well. It is our mission to provide our travelers with authentic and immerse experiences and educate them on treading lightly, understanding cultural differences and the respect that comes with it and to share the beauty of our natural surroundings, that cannot continue to exist without the support and understanding that we need to protect and preserve.
We truly believe that responsible travel is the only way for the future of travel and that together we can make this world a better place.

Respecting Destinations
& Local Cultures

We take extra care to choose environment-friendly services and practices:

We are committed to working closely with local communities to create authentic, diverse and respectful South American experiences for your travellers.  

  • Our activities and excursions are conducted with respect for the artistic, archeological and cultural heritage.
  • Our objective is to highlight the diversity and richness of culture and heritage in destinations. 
  • There is a genuine and respectful interaction between travelers and the local community.
  • We are Portraying destinations fairly and respectfully in our communications and marketing material.
  • Our cultural experiences are developed in direct cooperation with the community

Protecting Children

Putting child welfare first. We make absolutely sure no child is ever harmed as a result of tourism.

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Build A Child-Safe Journey With Us

In order to fulfill our commitment as a responsible and ethical tourism company, Encounter Latin America repudiates the sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism. We have joined The Code of Conduct for the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation in Travel and Tourism in order to take concrete actions to prevent this crime.

  • All children are human beings, who are the subject and receivers of human rights that Encounter Latin America will respect at all times. 
  • All children have equal rights to protection from all forms of abuse and exploitation regardless of their gender, race, health situation, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, social background or culture. 
  • We train and support our staff in taking action against the sexual exploitation of children 
  • All children should be encouraged to fulfill their potential and inequalities should be challenged. 
  • Child abuse is never acceptable. 
  • Everybody has a responsibility to support the care and protection of children
  • Our suppliers and the projects we support have a responsibility to meet minimum standards of protection for the children in their programs and activities and understand the procedures if a child is endangered or is a victim of sexual exploitation

Protecting Animals

We believe that wild animals should be kept in the wild and not caged or staged for tourism activities with negative impacts for the animal itself.

We are committed to animals. We keep them close to our hearts and out in the wild. Our staff and local tour operators are carefully selected to ensure ethical practices.

We ensure that any animals involved in any of our trips have the right to the five animal freedoms:

  • Freedom from discomfort
  • Freedom from hunger or thirst
  • Freedom from pain, injury or disease
  • Freedom to express normal behavior
  • Freedom from fear and distress

Supporting Local
Economies & Communities

We work to maximize the benefits generated by tourism for local

economies and communities.

The Only Way Forward.
Responsible Travel Is 

We are committed to the economy and strive to employ local staff and support local businesses, products and artists.

  • We employ predominantly local staff
  • We select local and suppliers that are invested in their community and that help from their end their local economy
  • We design our excursions and experiences in such a way that we include elements that help alleviate poverty in the destination
  • We purchase sustainable and locally produced products.
  • We promote sustainable purchases of souvenirs, craft and art with our travelers.
  • We involve the local community in designing the experience for our travelers

Travel Life Partner

Travelife is the travel industry’s leading international sustainability certification. It covers all aspects of the tourism supply chain from environmental issues, biodiversity and human rights to labour relations. It’s in full compliance with UN-supported Global Sustainable Tourism Council Criteria.

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Carbon Compensation Programs

While we work hard to increase the positive impact travel can have on our destinations, we also understand that when we travel, there is an environmental cost involved. Most of our programs are already a carbon compensation, but this can also be added optionally.

We are working with two carbon offset programs:


For our program in Costa Rica we plant trees in Guanacaste where for the past 80 years big parts of tropical dry forest have disappeared and made place for large cattle arms. We’ve purchased over 100 hectares of protected land and started planting native tree species for the last 4 years, we planted around 2500 trees so far.

Forest Protection

In Brazil, we support a community-based forest management project that combats deforestation and protects vulnerable and endangered species in the Amazon. The project not only creates jobs for local people, but also provides workshops on health care, biodiversity and leadership for women and young people.

Sustainable Policies & Guidelines

We Love Responsible Travel.

Trees Planted
Hectares Protected Land
Local Employees
Projects we support


  • Our ethical code
  • Accommodation Best Practices
  • Encounter Sustainability Policy
  • Excursion Best Practices
  • How to be a sustainable Traveller

Our Destinations

Empowering change through meaningful travel in Latin America

Our immersive journeys combine language learning, adventure, and volunteering to ignite personal growth and create lasting impacts. With our expertly crafted itineraries and in-depth understanding of our destinations, we ensure meaningful collaboration and positive contributions to both participants and the local communities. If your organization seeks an authentic Latin American experience that drives change, we are here to make it happen.

Contact us